Wednesday, 18 September 2013

CPCF 1F25 Post 1: Media Impact

   The impact of "mass media" is huge within the world today as we know it. Everyday, people adapt and strive to understand the concepts based around new technology and information, as it is part of developing and staying "in" with the new technology era. However, the impact of "mass media" that I will specifically be touching upon is not one of my positive views on the topic, but rather something that I have noticed that negatively impacts people as a whole.

  Now you may be wondering what exactly I am talking about. Its something that makes me cringe at the very sight of someone typing, let alone saying out loud. LOL, BRB, AFK, G2G, ROFL, SMH. I know you all know what these mean, and I know they make life behind a keyboard a lot easier, but it feels as if as the years advance and the technology gets greater, the English language seems to diminish. My friend Denis is one of those guys who just kills the vibe. I'll be in a group conversation and something funny will come up, and being the internet devil child he is, he decides to blurt out LOL. I know, its terrible. I don't understand how people become so tied up in these abbreviations as if it is easier to say LOL than laugh or say what they truly mean. Whether its in real life, or over the internet, these abbreviations just make everyone sound pretty ridiculous.

  It seems as if the implementation of "mass media" in our society changed our true English into a much lesser, lazier, slang driven English and I do not think we should be letting our language be massacred by keyboard warriors and people who think its "fun" to make our language simplistic and rather stupid.

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